What do you currently do and where?
I am currently working as an orthodontist in the private clinic. I also go as a specialist to other private clinic to see the orthodontic patients there.
How did things go after graduation?
For me, it went smoothly as my husband is also a practising dentist in India and since he had a patient in flow. I never waited for the patients but started off the work after joining the clinic.
What first comes to mind when you hear „LF HK“?
First thing, I could recall is my guide Dr. Hofman, who was a source of inspiration for me. I learnt a lot under his supervision and by observing his working skills. He focused a lot on my article work but I also equally learnt the clinical skills as I always noticed his expertise in the field of orthodontics.
What is your strongest experience associated with studying at the faculty?
Strongest experience of studying in LFHK has turned out to be a good one for me as I managed to write an orthodontic text book for the undergraduates, as recommended by Dr. Hubkova. Secondly, my articles added a lot of appreciation to me. The best of all is the article that is published in the European journal of orthodontics, which gave me a lot of credits and made me well known in the field of orthodontics.
What do you consider your greatest success so far?
My success is that I’m a well known orthodontist and a PHD graduated from LFHK, with a text book of orthodontics written by me for under graduates. My articles with the main article of orthodontics in European journal of orthodontics with a high impact factor. Further success was achieved as I received an award in India as the “Outstanding dentist of the India“, in the year 2015. I have attached a photo for the same in the mail.
Hobbies, free time activities?
I have many hobbies to add up. I enjoy teaching, painting, yoga and so on. LFHK was a place, where I went through a lot of hardships as I was away from my home country but it finally paid the fruits of wisdom and success to me. Studying in a foreign country really helped me learn a new language, (Czech: world’s 3rd difficult language), gave me a memorable experience of the lovely nature, interesting weather, yummy food and many unforgettable moments with lots of Czech friends and the best success which could be achieved as a ¨Sweet fruit¨ in the end.